Artigo: Como alcançar resultados satisfatórios frente a uma limitação biológica? A interface entre as especialidades para a melhor solução clínica - Estética | JCDR 2017 v14n3 - Clinical Dentistry

Estética | JCDR 2017 v14n3

Estética | JCDR 2017 v14n3

Como alcançar resultados satisfatórios frente a uma limitação biológica? A interface entre as especialidades para a melhor solução clínica

Artigo Original

Autores: Ertty Silva, Fernanda Meloti, Marcelo Moreira, Marcelo Kyrillos, Luis Calicchio, Gustavo Giordani, Fabio Cabral, Wagner Nhoncance, Marcelo Serra, Sandro Souza, Josias Santana Da Silva, Frederico Marques Lima Dos Santos, 

The “Era of Monolithic Ceramics”
The “Era of Monolithic Ceramics”

With the advent of injected “leucite-reinforced” ceramics in the last century’s early 90’s1, something changed in how an indirect restoration was made; however, more than that, there was a change of behavior in a generation. A decade earlier, in the early 80’s, after the classic publications2,3 showing how the etching of porcelains favored the creation of a structural unit and adhered to the dental enamel, a movement was already beginning. The possibility of bonding a metal-free...

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Persistent d esquamative gingivitis without dental bacterial plaque: What is the diagnosis? What approaches should be used?
Persistent d esquamative gingivitis without dental bacterial plaque: What is the diagnosis? What approaches should be used?

Abstract: Gingival lichen planus, lichenoid lesions and gingival pemphigoid are difficult to diagnose because they are confused with chronic inflammatory periodontal disease associated with dentobacterial plaque, especially when there is painful sensitivity that makes oral hygiene difficult. The patient searches, successively, several professionals, in search of a definitive solution. There has to be confidence in the Gingival lichen planus diagnosis and control because it is an autoimmune...

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Esthetic dentistry and the new beautiful
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“The resin from the viewpoint of disocclusion.” Why do we still use resins in complex cases, surpassing the limits of indication or common sense in favour of the patient
“The resin from the viewpoint of disocclusion.” Why do we still use resins in complex cases, surpassing the limits of indication or common sense in favour of the patient

We started our fourth column of JCDR (third of 2017) with an article that reports a clinical case that deserves reflection. We have published, in other articles, several cases showing our conception and clinical approach in different cases, such as the indication of composite resins in a young patient, mainly in orthodontic finishing, laminates of the ceramic contact lens type with sufficiently invasive preparations, the right moment for the transition from resins to ceramics and, in the...

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How to achieve satisfactory results when dealing with biological limitations? The interface between specialties to allow for the best clinical solution
How to achieve satisfactory results when dealing with biological limitations? The interface between specialties to allow for the best clinical solution

Abstract: Nowadays, aesthetic requirements of our patients are very high. This is encouraged by media consumption, in which models with perfect white smiles are shown to the public as references of beauty. In cases in which biological reconstruction is no longer possible, in order to achieve a result of excellence, it is necessary to create interdisciplinary alternatives that can solve the treatments. Therefore, the technological evolution guided by scientific researches has brought to...

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International Symposium on Light Sources in Dentistry
International Symposium on Light Sources in Dentistry

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Evaluation of the cervical adaptation of the castable UCLA component used in fixed prostheses: A comparative study using scanning electron microscopy
Evaluation of the cervical adaptation of the castable UCLA component used in fixed prostheses: A comparative study using scanning electron microscopy

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the implant-abutment interface misfitting of external hex UCLA abutments used for full-arch implant-supported prostheses, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Six aluminium models were used, which were divided into two groups: a) MINI (1-mm mini-abutments); and b) UCLA (UCLA abutments that were fused with a prosthetic bar). The MINI group was used as control. After applying the torque recommended by the manufacturer, the...

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Behavior of peri-implantar tissue in single immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone: a literature review
Behavior of peri-implantar tissue in single immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the esthetic zone: a literature review

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Periodontal aesthetic surgery: treatment option for cases with gingival smile caused by associated etiologies
Periodontal aesthetic surgery: treatment option for cases with gingival smile caused by associated etiologies

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Diagnostic wax-up as a guide to ceramic veneer preparations
Diagnostic wax-up as a guide to ceramic veneer preparations

Abstract: Tooth preparation, when necessary, is one of the most important considerations in the fabrication of porcelain laminate veneers. Bonding to enamel provides strongest bond values when compared to dentin. This way, the focus on tooth preparation is to be conservative in the reduction of sound tooth structure, aiming longevity. At least two different strategies for tooth preparation can be found in the literature. Simplified protocols included the use of depth cutters guided by the...

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Oral rehabilitation in worn dentitions: the importance of occlusion and adhesion
Oral rehabilitation in worn dentitions: the importance of occlusion and adhesion

Abstract: Severe tooth wear treatments demand minimally invasive restorative procedures. The aim of this article was to present and discuss a clinical case of an oral rehabilitation with occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) management and adhesive procedures achieving satisfactory aesthetics and adequate stomatognathic function. Provisional OVD augmentation with composites, anterior “full veneers” and posterior partial restorations were utilized. Comprehensive planning and the correct...

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